Tython Jedi Duo (1)Full unit name: Tython Jedi Duo
Last updated: 23.08.2024 19:03:07
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Known Facts (89)
Early Lessons (7) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Padawans, come here quickly. The training grounds are not safe today.
    Hero of Tython
    I got a basic briefing from Knight Weller, but I'd like a full report before going in. I'm combat trained and ready to help.
    Tell us what's going on, we may be able to assist.
    You're Master Yuon's Padawan, yes? Then you both have got combat training... okay, maybe you can help.
    The Flesh Raiders moved into the training grounds organized and ready, attempting to isolate various groups of Padawans.
    They are a savage people who occasionally raid the local settlements and devour those they kidnap. Before today, we thought they didn't understand technology, but they're packing blasters and vibroblades and turning them on Padawans who aren't trained to defend themselves. There's a group of students in the hills we lost track of. They're not combat trained.
    Hero of Tython
    Don't worry, those Padawans will get home safe. I promise.
    Just let us know what's required. We are here to help.
    I've got a beacon here. If you can find the Padawans and set the beacon, we'll send an evac shuttle fast as we can. A group of Jedi from the temple is headed this way but maybe not fast enough. May the Force be with you.
  • Relnex
  • Killed a number of Flesh Raider Forces
  • Rescued a number of Jedi Padawans
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    How's he looking?
    He should be resting in the Jedi Temple. But if you're determined to press on... I can help him along.
    Thank you, my friend.
    Give him the last of the kolto if you have to. We'll fight again soon.
    Hey! Good to see another Padawan alive out here. You're lucky those creatures haven't caught you yet.
    Jedi Duo
    We have been searching for you. What happened out here?
    Knew it. Knew they'd send rescuers...
    We came seeking knowledge of the Jedi Code. The Flesh Raiders interrupted our trial.
    We tried to run. Eventually we ran right into one. Turns out we surprised it.
    I've never fought like that in my life. We killed it, but Jerridan was badly injured.
    Jedi Duo
    Your friend - how serious is the wound?
    It pains him greatly. He should not be moving. It is not the Jedi way to seek battle and revenge while a man suffers.
    That's your opinion, Mennaus. It's not what we decided. Training or not, a bunch of animals won't keep us from becoming Jedi. We're going to fight them until all three of us are finished with our trials.
    Jedi Duo
    Listen to yourself - all this rage... this isn't how Jedi behave. You can finish your trial another time.
    Look what they did to Jerridan. We can't give up now.
    Isn't she right? Jedi don't give up... do they?
    She is wrong. Remember the Jedi Code: "There is no passion, there is serenity...."
    That's enough, Mennaus!
    Jedi Duo
    You're walking a dangerous path. You and your friends need to get back to camp while you still can.
    We can't do that. We can't just give up!
    Avitla, listen, this is our best opportunity to survive this.
    But we're so close to finishing the trial...
    No. We are not. I see you have a signal beacon. Leave it for us, and as soon as we have gathered our things, we will signal for a ride back.
  • Avitla, Jerridan, Mennaus
  • Hero of Tython used Training Saber
  • Barsen'thor used Training Saber
Lost Pilgrim (4) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Tazonthe Ghon
    You're too late, Jedi - like all the other times. The Flesh Raiders already came. They already took their victims.
    Jedi Duo
    Where did this happen? How long ago?
    Tazonthe Ghon
    Our patrol was attacked. Just yesterday, in the valleys... by the same savages who always attack.
    We can hardly leave the village without running into Flesh Raiders. There's not a scout in Kalikori without a blaster burn or two - and now my father's out there.
    Jedi Duo
    What do you mean? Was he with your patrol?
    Tazonthe Ghon
    I don't know. It hasn't been long. If the fates have been kind - very kind....
    My father knew these mountains. He helped guide the patrols when he could. But when the Flesh Raiders appeared... he never made it home. He wasn't young, but he deserves better than to be ripped apart. Show compassion, Jedi - find him, and kill any Raiders who'd stop you.
    Jedi Duo
    We will do everything I can to find your father.
    Tazonthe Ghon
    If you find him - if he's hurt or confused - you'll know him by his golden promise ring. He wouldn't part with it... not until death.
  • Tazonthe Ghon
  • Hero of Tython used Training Saber
  • Barsen'thor used Training Saber
The Thousand Steps (7) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Yuleph Phan
    More young Jedi in Kalikori, I see. I am Yuleph Phan, master of rituals. I welcome you. You wish to participate in the ceremony, I presume? You understand the dangers?
    Jedi Duo
    Sorry, we don't know what you're talking about.
    Yuleph Phan
    You've not been told, then. I apologize. Good. Together, we'll bridge the gap between Pilgrim and Jedi.
    Many of your brethren - your "Padawans" - come to Kalikori to perform our rite of passage. Those who endure the ceremony are awarded an audience with Kolovish to receive her wisdom and her gifts.
    Jedi Duo
    Who's Kolovish? What's the ceremony all about?
    Yuleph Phan
    Kolovish lives in the mountains above. Once our leader, now she is our guide and protector. To complete the ceremony, you must walk the thousand steps to her home.
    You must carry a burning brand and light the signals along the path. You must protect the flame from beasts and Flesh Raiders. This will prove your worth.
    Jedi Duo
    We're grateful for the chance to learn your ways.
    Yuleph Phan
    You'll undergo hardship in the name of our people. Carry our light to Kolovish, or be lost in darkness. If you wish, I will ignite the brand. It burns only a short while, but--if you are deserving - it will be enough.
    Jedi Duo
    We're ready to carry the flame.
    Yuleph Phan
    Then go, and light each of the signal fires along the mountain path. When you reach the end, you will find Kolovish.
  • Yuleph Phan
  • Killed a number of Flesh Raider Forces
  • Killed a number of Cthon
  • Killed Mar'gavrok
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    You perform the rite of the Pilgrims well, Jedi; I saw the signal fires as you climbed the path. Very few of your kind make it this far.
    I am Kolovish, first Matriarch and reader of the ancient texts. I led our people to this planet - and I welcome you.
    My teachings angered our rulers. They spurned our lifestyle and refused to recognize the authority of the Matriarchs. On Tython, we found we could practice our ways in peace. Even the Flesh Raiders can't destroy our society - not forever.
    Jedi Duo
    It's a privilege to meet you, Matriarch.
    And it is my privilege to meet a Jedi who accepts our ways.
    Even our own kind - the other Twi'leks - they mocked us and denied the authority of the Matriarchs. That is why we came here. Now you've completed the ritual, and you are friend to the Pilgrims. You share our burdens and you share our strength.
    Hero of Tython
    My duty is to the Jedi Order, not the Pilgrims.
    And yet we welcome you despite this.
    Jedi are kin to all people - no more and no less to the Pilgrims.
    Perhaps that is why we can share this world.
    Take these gifts. We have very little, as you must know--but you are Jedi. You share our world, and you face a difficult future. It is the way of Jedi to face darkness. I believe you will face the darkness of our world - and perhaps beyond.
    Remember us, and remember our ways. Go to your duties, now... and as we part, know that my blessings go with you.

  • Kolovish
  • Hero of Tython used Training Saber
  • Barsen'thor used Training Saber
Elixir of Power (6) »
Hero Worship (4) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Master Orgus's new apprentice - wow. Everyone says you're great with a vibroblade. And you're Master Yuon's apprentice, right? I've heard how strong you are in the Force.
    I'm Fia- er, Padawan Fia. Still have to get used to having a title. I've just started learning about the Force. I've got a long way to go before I'm as good as you.
    Jedi Duo
    You seem a little old to begin the training.
    Until a few days ago, I didn't even know I could use the Force.
    Hero of Tython
    Concentrate on your training and you'll do fine.
    Hard to concentrate when you're always pinching yourself to check if this is a dream.
    Stay open to possibilities, Padawan. You might surprise yourself.
    I've certainly had plenty of surprises lately. I thought Jedi were supposed to be humble. Or maybe that's only for beginners like me. I still can't believe I'm here. Just last week, I was crewing a garbage scow on Raxus Prime. Then this scary-looking Jedi shows up out of nowhere and says that he can sense the Force in me. What are the odds?
    Jedi Duo
    Jedi aren't normally known for their intimidating appearance.
    I'd never seen anything like him before- er, not that I have a problem with aliens. He's Kel Dor. As aliens go, they're pretty fierce-looking. I thought he was going to eat me, at first.
    Am I babbling? I am. Sorry, I do silly things when I get nervous. Say, do you know Master Till'in? He's the one who discovered me. I'm trying to get a message to him. He's at the ruins of Kaleth, but the instructors won't let me leave the temple to go see him. They say it's too dangerous.
    Jedi Duo
    Why do you need to see him so badly?
    Uh, well, it's complicated. I never really thanked him for bringing me to Tython. I don't mean to bother you. I just want him to know I appreciate everything he's done for me.
    Master Till'in is studying a big mystery in Kaleth's ruins. Something about ancient droids attacking people? If you're headed to the ruins, would you give him this holorecording from me? I'd be so grateful.
    Jedi Duo
    Allow us to do it.
    Terrific! I can see why everybody here is so impressed with both of you. Here's the holorecording. Master Till'in has a small camp outside the ruins of Kaleth. Thanks for doing this.
  • Fia
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Master Till'in
    Welcome, Padawan to Orgus Din. Your Master speaks highly of your potential. Ah, and Master Yuon's new Padawan. A great Jedi-in-the-making, by all accounts. Greetings.
    Jedi Duo
    Someone asked me to deliver a message.
    Master Till'in
    Let's see what you've brought me... ah yes. Fia. The poor girl is still apologizing for shooting at me on Raxus Prime. I forget how violently some humans react when first meeting my species. I don't understand why they always seem to shoot before thinking. Luckily, Fia's aim was unbalanced by her fear.
    It was kind of you to deliver this holorecording, though I should gently instruct Padawan Fia to stop interrupting my work. Speaking of which....
  • Till'in
  • Hero of Tython used Training Saber
  • Barsen'thor used Training Saber
Lovers and Secrets (6) »
The Last Defenders (6) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Master Till'in
    Here, examine this droid's cognitive unit I recovered from the ruins. Twenty-thousand years old, yet still functional. Our forebears built things to last.
    Jedi Duo
    What happened to the rest of the droid's parts?
    Master Till'in
    A shame the cognitive unit's owner had to be destroyed. It was a magnificent machine, but quite hostile. I was forced to dismantle it with my lightsaber.
    The ruins of Lower Kaleth are filled with droids constructed during Tython's original colonization by the galaxy's first Force users. We don't know the Tythonian droids' purpose - only that they attack anyone who enters the ruins. My mission is to learn why.
    Jedi Duo
    What kind of damage can these droids do to people?
    Master Till'in
    We've had several serious injuries. Left unchecked, the droids are going to kill someone. We can't let it come to that. It's been millennia since the Tythonian droids were memory-wiped. Their programming lies buried amid trillions of accumulated databits.
    I've constructed a scanner to analyze the droids' cognitive units for command protocols, but I need several samplings to sort through the static.
    Jedi Duo
    We'll get those samplings for you in no time, Master Till'in.
    Master Till'in
    Good. This will greatly accelerate my efforts to solve this mystery and make the ruins safe. Your Masters have great confidence in your abilities, as do I. This task won't be simple, but I know you'll succeed.
  • Till'in
  • Destroyed a number of Tythonian War Droid
  • Destroyed a number of Tythonian Vindicator
  • Hero of Tython used Training Saber
  • Barsen'thor used Training Saber
The Chamber of Speech (7) »
Flesh Eating Baby (4) »
Clear Out Tythos Ridge (4) »
Flesh Raider Fact-Finding (3) »
New Recruit (7) »
Pilgrim Medicine (5) »
Commune with the Light (4) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Oh! You startled me. I didn't see you approach. My Master says there are valuable materials behind that boulder over there. But get this - the blasted thing can't be moved.
    My instructions were to go to a platform in the ruins. "Meditate, and let the Force empower me." But I've meditated 'til I can't see straight - and nothing.
    Jedi duo
    You admit defeat? You're just going to give up?
    What else am I supposed to do?
    So, I'm gonna get drummed out of the order because I can't move a rock that can't be moved? It's absurd. Hey, what if - maybe you could help me. Are you good at this meditation thing?
    Jedi duo
    Let's find out.
    Oh, thank you! You're a lifesaver.
    So, just kneel at the altar nearby. Supposedly, if you find deep inner peace, you'll be able to move the boulder. If you fail, I can tell my Master it wasn't just me who couldn't move it.
  • Flingeld
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    You did it! I can't decide if I'm ashamed that I couldn't do it or happy that my mission is complete. There was supposed to be something important behind the boulder!
    Master Quilljayk
    I'm very disappointed, Flingeld.
    Master Quilljayk, why are you here?
    Master Quilljayk
    The valuable materials beyond that boulder were enlightenment and perseverance - and you failed to acquire them.
    You've become unbalanced by doubt and self-recrimination. By enlisting another's aid to complete this trial, you have confirmed deep-rooted weakness.
    I'm afraid your training must come to an end. You will not become a Jedi.
    But Master, it's not my fault. I didn't ask for help. I- I tried to decline!
    Jedi Duo
    That is simply not true, Master Quilljayk.
    Master Quilljayk
    I sense the calm in you, young ones. It speaks to your veracity.
    I know how important becoming a Jedi was to you and your family, Flingeld. Unfortunately, I have no choice. You will be stationed in the archives here and serve the order in a clerical capacity. It is decided.
    You- it's all your fault. You ruined my chances.
    Master Quilljayk
    Flingeld was never expected to move that boulder. Communing with the Force is something only a Master typically has the clarity to achieve.
    Jedi Duo
    So, you were testing his determination and resolve.
    Master Quilljayk
    Yes. And his inner fortitude proved inflexible, so he crumbled. Flingeld's task was to learn to persevere despite futility. When one's self-image depends on success, shortcuts are taken.
    It's imperative that we screen out Padawans unable to assume the great responsibility of the Jedi. You've done the order an important service.
    Jedi Duo
    We did nothing noteworthy. Just what was called for.
    Master Quilljayk
    Humility is the benchmark of the Jedi. Flingeld? You may return to the temple when you are ready.
    Yes. Yes, Master.
    Master Quilljayk
    You have our thanks. Now may the Force be with you.
  • Quilljayk, Flingeld
  • Hero of Tython used Training Saber
  • Barsen'thor used Training Saber
Clear Out the Forge (6) »
Keshk's Last Stand (5) »
Horranth Control (4) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Sedni Maruk
    Rotten, procreating beasts! Padawans will start dying if this keeps up. Oh, at least you made it through, Jedi. The horranths are everywhere lately. Hulking, razor-mawed monsters with nasty dispositions. They're multiplying fast and growing bolder. Something in the water since the Flesh Raiders came... I could use help getting things under control.
    Jedi Duo
    Who are you, anyway?
    Sedni Maruk
    Not the first time I've been accused of being rude. Sorry. I'm Sedni Maruk. Trained here myself. The Masters decided my talents were best served guarding and protecting the ruins. I'm proud to serve. Wanted to be a Jedi, but this is the next best thing. Until now.
    Jedi Duo
    It's not an indictment of you. Not everyone is cut out for this life.
    Sedni Maruk
    I tell myself that every day.
    Jedi Duo
    What can we do to help?
    Sedni Maruk
    Eliminating a horranth matriarch and patriarch will slow the beasts' population explosion. But they're tough to find and even tougher to kill. The matriarchs and patriarchs tend to gravitate in different clearings. You'll have to hunt them down separately - if you're willing to help?
    Jedi Duo
    We'll do it, but we have to find a better solution for the future, so senseless slaughter isn't our only recourse.
    Sedni Maruk
    Agreed, but right now our options are limited. Would really help if you remove any of the beasts' eggs you see. But it's up to you. Hope you fare well. I'll be here, holding down the camp.
  • Sedni Maruk
  • Killed a number of Horranth
  • Qyzen Fess used L4 Electroblade
The team known as Jedi Duo was active on the planet Tython
during the Flesh Raiders uprising
Flesh Raider Uprising
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
. Both members were a Padawan
Jedi Padawan
learners who came to Tython while following their own agendas, and, while pursuing their separate goals, they completed several important missions for the Jedi Order
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
together - sometimes with a help from their companions. Later, both team members joined the ranks of an informal elite group of the Republic operatives
Republic Operatives
Temporary Unions
See also
Known members
Show all (17)DetailsEarly LessonsLost PilgrimThe Thousand StepsElixir of PowerHero WorshipLovers and SecretsThe Last DefendersThe Chamber of SpeechFlesh Eating BabyClear Out Tythos RidgeFlesh Raider Fact-FindingNew RecruitPilgrim MedicineCommune with the LightClear Out the ForgeKeshk's Last StandHorranth Control
Hero of Tython
Show all (17)DetailsEarly LessonsLost PilgrimThe Thousand StepsElixir of PowerHero WorshipLovers and SecretsThe Last DefendersThe Chamber of SpeechFlesh Eating BabyClear Out Tythos RidgeFlesh Raider Fact-FindingNew RecruitPilgrim MedicineCommune with the LightClear Out the ForgeKeshk's Last StandHorranth Control
Qyzen Fess
Show all (3)DetailsClear Out the ForgeKeshk's Last StandHorranth Control
Show all (3)DetailsClear Out the ForgeKeshk's Last StandHorranth Control
Droid models that were used by this organization
T7-series Astromech Droid
Show all (3)DetailsClear Out the ForgeKeshk's Last StandHorranth Control
Known sentient species
Show all (3)DetailsClear Out the ForgeKeshk's Last StandHorranth Control
All the characters that this organization dealt with (as an organization)
Vederiat Ayon
Elixir of Power
Pilgrim Medicine
New Recruit
Trea Kobbeth
New Recruit
Viyo Kobbeth
New Recruit
Odumis Mer
Elixir of Power
Lovers and Secrets
Flesh Eating Baby
Lovers and Secrets
Lovers and Secrets
New Recruit
Lovers and Secrets
Do Zonn
The Chamber of Speech
The Chamber of Speech
Known weaponry & equipment
L4 Electroblade
L1 Electrostaff
Training Saber
Complete list

Full unit name: Tython Jedi Duo Last updated: 23.08.2024 19:03:07